We had to complicate things a bit… so we decided to forget to make a visa for Mehdi! So while wanting to fly from Japan to return to Vietnam to look for all our things before flying to Switzerland, we had some problems:
At the counter at Osaka airport, we are asked for our passports. The hostess goes to check something on a computer further. She comes back and asks, “Are you Swiss?”, “Yes,” Mehdi answers with a smile. “Imagine she tells me I can not go to Vietnam!” he says quietly; Alice laughs nervously, something is not right. The hostess shows us a list of countries for which a visa is not necessary to enter Vietnam, she explains us that Switzerland is not on it. We do not understand, we panic a little, really, we could be as stupid as that? Apparently. And then everything goes fast, we must cancel Mehdi’s flight, ask to buy a new one for Malaysia, where we have a stop, pay even more to take a flight out of Malaysia because it is forbidden to enter the country without an exit flight, then run to catch our plane. If we were not sure now we are: we hate the planes and the airports! So we can do the Japan-Malaysia flight together and think about the next events. Mehdi will have to sleep at the Kuala Lumpur airport while Alice will go to Vietnam to pick up our belongings and send them by post, since she will have too much stuffs for one person on the plane. A lot of stress and money later, we meet at Bangkok airport and finish together our return to Switzerland!
So we thought we would be rested and quiet for our return, but not at all! We are very happy to be able to land together in Europe, and to finish this trip hand in hand! So here we are, exactly one year after our departure, August 2, 2018, we are back!
Between reunions of friends, family, installation, paperwork, paperwork, paperwork and preparation for our next big trip, namely, a new member in the family, we have a lot to do!
It is interesting to find a country after having seen so much, learned, evolved! We rediscover Switzerland, its landscapes, its houses, the people, the mentality; some things seem derisory to us, others so logical and pleasing. We taste good cheeses and good fresh tomatoes and we walk in these so typical Swiss landscapes that we feel like being in a life-size museum.
These two months go so quickly and, October 2, 2018, stack 2 months after our return, Zayanne is pointing the top of her nose! So we are embarking on a new adventure, as thrilling as all the landscapes of the whole world, but this one we will live it in the intimacy of our family.
So this is the last article we publish before a long time, but who knows when and where the next trip will carry us? And at that moment, for sure we will share with you again our adventures!
See you soon on the road!
Alice, Mehdi & Zayanne
PS: We should soon make the videos of our journey because we have a computer again, so check it out!
j’ai rencontré Zayanne en photos grâce a la mammie que j’ai vue chez Mathé et Gérard
et j’ai connu les péripéties de sa venue.
j’espère que maintenant tout ce petit cosmos va bien, la maman , le papa et le bébé bien au chaud dans son berceau et sa couverture artisanale , qui a déjà accueilli sa maman quand elle était bébé , je me souviens très bien de cette couverture
tout de bon chez vous et un joyeux Noël
Toutes mes félicitations pour votre petite Zayanne et meilleurs vœux à votre petite famille ! Je vous souhaite un très beau Noël et vous ambrasse. Amitiés, Dora
hello les voyageurs Comment allez- vs. ? Avez- vs. retrouvé tous vos repères…J imagine la tête pleine de souvenirs. Mais la plus belle chose dans votre vie votre petite ZAYANNE.. Que du BONHEUR. Je vous le souhaite vraiment. Désolée, je n’ai plus donné de nouvelles car je voulais respecter votre retour en Suisse dans le calme ou presque !!!! La famille / les amis ,il y a toujours assez voir trop de monde. Aujourd hui, je me suis dit: nous sommes déjà en février 2019 mais que devient cette belle petite famille ???
Alors si vous avez un peu , un tout petit peu de temps, donnez moi des nouvelles…
Bisous Marie- José